How to Create Safelink in any Blogger Template


What is Safelink Crypto? It's basically method to encode your URL's or Links to unreadable form by human only browser can read that . How does it basically work in Blogger Templates? Firstly it fetches posts data from blog then Encode your Link by Crypto-Js and put it in any random post url as parameter. And when we open that encoded link then it gets decoded via crypto-Js and you may have to wait for certain time as per timer set in that template and You will get your original Encrypted Link. How to Install it on Any Blogger Blog? Firstly , Insert this main Cryto-Js Script just above </body> <script type="text/javascript" defer="" async="" src=""/> Now Install jQuery , timer and essential javascript with only work with jQuery. Paste Below Scipts just above (Ignore jQuery if alrea...

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