How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp


How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

Hey there , Today I am going to show you how to create a normal bot or simply add BotsApp in your WhatsAspp Account .

Step 1

  • Go to BotsApp Site and Click on Deploy to Heroku.
How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

Step 2

  • It will redirect you .
  • Then Create heroku account and verify Email then Set Password for your Account .Already have an account ?Then simply Login.
  • Now Go to Dashboard and Click on Deploy BotsApp .
How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

  • Now wait for up to a minute for the loading , then a Qr Code will appear . Now use WhatsApp Mobile to Scan the Code.
How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

Step 3

    • Make Sure You haven't joined whatsapp Beta and if joined then leave Beta.
    How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

    • Now scan the Qr Code and Something Like this will appear!! then click on Continue .
    How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

    Step 4

    • Now Scroll  Down and Click on Submit Button .Now Bot has been successfully Created!!.
    • Now Go Dashboard and Click on The Bot You Created !! In my case , this second one is mine!! 
    How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

    • Now Enable the bot and Click Apply Changes. 
    How to add a Bot or BotsApp in Whatsapp

    Step 5

    • You will get a inbox in your WhatsApp app within A or two minutes . Then Send message .alive to check if bot is  online or not . Now Your bot is successfully activated!!!.

    Some of The Commands Given Here

    S.No. Command Info
    1 .alive To Check whether Bot is Online or not.
    2 .help Get the command list and info on modules
    3 .abl to blacklist a person or a chat from using the bot.[When Bot is Public]
    4 .add to add a person to a group.
    5 .admins Tag admins.
    6 .block Block contact
    7 .carbon Convert text/code to a carbon image.
    8 .cpp Execute C++ code and directly get output to WhatsApp.
    9 .create Create a new group with the person replied to
    10 .dqr Decode QR code
    11 .demote Demote a person from admin
    12 .disappear Toggle disappearing messages
    13 .create Create a new group with the person replied to
    14 .getdp Get display picture
    15 .github Github Profile
    16 .goodbye A goodbye message for group chat whenever someone leaves.
    17 .invite to create group invite link
    18 .create Create a new group with the person replied to
    19 .lyrics Module to find lyrics of song
    20 .meaning Find meaning of a word in dictionary.
    21 .mute Mute group chat for a specified time.
    22 .ocr Optical Character Recognition
    23 .promote Promote a member to admin
    24 .qr Convert a text/image to a QR code
    25 .rbl Module to enable a blacklist person or group to use the bot.
    26 .remove Module to remove a person from a group.
    27 .rename Module to rename a pdf or text document.
    28 .setdp Change the group icon
    29 .song Download songs
    30 .sticker Module to convert image to sticker
    31 .stoi Module to convert sticker to image
    32 .tagall Module to tag evryone in a WhatsApp group.
    33 .tr Language Translator
    34 .tts Text To Speech.
    35 .unblock Unblock contact
    36 .unmute Unmute group chat
    37 .ud Urban Dictionary
    38 .weather Get weather data of a city[Need to install API too!!]
    39 .welcome Welcome new members to the group with a custom message.
    40 .yt Get recommendations and links from Youtube

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    1. Abhishek Dogra
      The Nice And Best Content Additional Articles Thanks.
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