How to Add Specific Page Safelink to Your Website


How to Add Specific Page Safelink to Your Website

Hi Guys , Today I am going to show How to Add specific Page Safelink to Your Website .

How to Install it?

  • First of all , You have to Create a New page on your Blog or site .
  • Write Some meaningful Content on that page.
  • Now Add this Timer Code to that page (preferred to add in starting of the page ).
      <div class="safelink" id="safelink">
        <div class="fa fa-clock" id="daplong"></div>
          /*<![CDATA[*/ var currentURL=location.href; var str = currentURL; var res = str.replace('' + '?url=', ""); function changeLink(){var decodedString = Base64.decode(res);,'_blank')}; document.write('<a href="#go-link" id="download-safelink" class=" btnify btn-4">Click to get link</a>'); var linkDL = document.getElementById("download-safelink"); var notif = document.getElementById("daplong"); var waktu = 15; var teks_waktu = document.createElement("span"); linkDL.parentNode.replaceChild(teks_waktu, linkDL); var id; id = setInterval(function () { waktu--; if (waktu < 0) { teks_waktu.parentNode.replaceChild(linkDL, teks_waktu); clearInterval(id); = "none"; = "inline-block"; } else { teks_waktu.innerHTML = "The link will appear in " + waktu.toString() + " seconds"; }}, 1000); /*]]>*/
  • Now add Get Link button Code to in the ending of the Page .
      <div class="col-md-4 " id="go-link">
        <a class="btn-1 btnify"  href="javascript:void(0)"
          rel="nofollow noreferrer"
          >Go to Link</a
  • Now Add this Css Code for buttons
    .btnify{flex:1 1 auto;margin:10px;padding:15px 30px;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase;transition:0.5s;background-size:200% auto;color:white;box-shadow:0 0 20px #eee;border-radius:10px;}
    .btnify:hover{background-position:right center;color:#fff;}
    .btn-1{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#f6d365 0%,#fda085 51%,#f6d365 100%);}
    .btn-2{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#fbc2eb 0%,#a6c1ee 51%,#fbc2eb 100%);}
    .btn-3{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#84fab0 0%,#8fd3f4 51%,#84fab0 100%);}
    .btn-4{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#a1c4fd 0%,#c2e9fb 51%,#a1c4fd 100%);}
    .btn-5{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#ffecd2 0%,#fcb69f 51%,#ffecd2 100%);}
  • Now change the btn-1 and btn-4 to Change Button styles , I have added 5 styles for them (i.e. btn-1 ,btn-2,btn-3,btn-4,btn-5 ).
  • Now add this Scripts to that blog or website you want to make all External Links to encrypt.
      <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ var Base64 = {_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", encode: function (input) {var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) {chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) {enc3 = enc4 = 64;} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {enc4 = 64;} output = output + this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);} return output; }, decode: function (input) {var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) {enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) {output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);} if (enc4 != 64) {output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);} } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output;}, _utf8_encode: function (string) {string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) {utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);} else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);} else {utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); }} return utftext;}, _utf8_decode: function (utftext) {var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) {c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) {string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++;} else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2;} else {c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3;}} return string; }}; var encode = document.getElementById('encode'), decode = document.getElementById('decode'), output = document.getElementById('output'), input = document.getElementById('input'); var User_ID = ""; var protected_links = ""; var a_to_va = 0; var a_to_vb = 0; var a_to_vc = ""; function auto_safelink() {auto_safeconvert();}; function auto_safeconvert() {var a_to_vd = window.location.hostname; if (protected_links != "" && !protected_links.match(a_to_vd)) {protected_links += ", " + a_to_vd;} else if (protected_links == "") {protected_links = a_to_vd;} var a_to_ve = ""; var a_to_vf = new Array(); var a_to_vg = 0; a_to_ve = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); a_to_va = a_to_ve.length; a_to_vf = a_to_fa(); a_to_vg = a_to_vf.length; var a_to_vh = false; var j = 0; var daftarPostingan = [ "" ]; var randomPostingan = daftarPostingan[Math.floor(Math.random()*daftarPostingan.length)]; var a_to_vi = ""; for (var i = 0; i < a_to_va; i++) {a_to_vh = false; j = 0; while (a_to_vh == false && j < a_to_vg) {a_to_vi = a_to_ve[i].href; if (a_to_vi.match(a_to_vf[j]) || !a_to_vi || !a_to_vi.match("https")) {a_to_vh = true;} j++; } if (a_to_vh == false) {var encryptedUrl = Base64.encode(a_to_vi); a_to_ve[i].href = randomPostingan + "?url=" + encryptedUrl; a_to_ve[i].rel = "nofollow noreferrer"; a_to_vb++; a_to_vc += i + ":::" + a_to_ve[i].href + "\n"; }} var a_to_vj = document.getElementById("anonyminized"); var a_to_vk = document.getElementById("found_links"); if (a_to_vj) {a_to_vj.innerHTML += a_to_vb;} if (a_to_vk) {a_to_vk.innerHTML += a_to_va;} }; function a_to_fa() {var a_to_vf = new Array(); protected_links = protected_links.replace(" ", ""); a_to_vf = protected_links.split(","); return a_to_vf; }; /*]]>*/</script>
    protected_links = "javascript:;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,javascript:;,";auto_safelink();
  • Now Add Domains that you want to blacklist from safelink in the last script.And then all done.

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  1. Pre Exam YT
    thanks dude great post
    also check my blog
  2. MD: Ashikur Rahman
    iam facing error. after the safelink page and 15 sec wait done. instead of taking me on desired page. its taking me in same page with slash a Chinese word. please update post pointing where to edit code for anyone wesite. as i found multiple code containing kkupgrader link. which make us confuse.

    it will be helpful if you decide to make a video.
    • Kanak
      ohk i'll make one
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